Monday, November 5, 2007

IT C515 CSCW - Readings for Week 9

Semantic Web 2.0 / The two cultures: mashing up web 2.0 and the semantic web
What is the relationship between Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web?
How can Semantic Web technologies bring benefit to Web 2.0-style applications?

The vision of the Semantic Web is to extend principles of the Web from documents to data. This extension will allow to fulfill more of the Web’s potential, in that it will allow data to be shared effectively by wider communities, and to be processed automatically by tools as well as manually.

The Semantic Web allows two things.

  • It allows data to be surfaced in the form of real data, so that a program doesn’t have to strip the formatting and pictures and ads off a Web page and guess where the data on it is.
  • It also allows people to write (or generate) files which explains to a machine, the relationship between different sets of data.

The most important thing in semantic web is to be able to define and describe the relations among data (i.e., resources) on the Web.This is not unlike the usage of hyperlinks on the current Web that connect the current page with another one: the hyperlinks defines a relationship between the current page and the target. One major difference is that, on the Semantic Web, such relationships can be established between any two resources, there is no notion of “current” page.

Another major difference is that the relationship (i.e, the link) itself is named, whereas the link used by a human on the (traditional) Web is not and their role is deduced by the human reader. The definition of those relations allow for a better and automatic interchange of data. Resource Description Framework (RDF), which is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Semantic Web, gives a formal definition for that interchange.

On that basis, additional building blocks are built around this central notion. Some examples are

  • Tools to query information described through such relationships (eg, SPARQL)
  • Tools to have a finer and more detailed classification and characterization of those relationships. This ensures interoperability and more complex automatic behaviors. (E.g., RDF Schemas, OWL)
  • For more complex cases, tools are available to define logical relationships among resources and the relationships (for example, if a relationships binds a person to his/her email address, it is feasible to declare that the email address is unique, ie, the address is not shared by several persons). (E.g., OWL, Rules)
  • Tools to extract from, and to bind to traditional data sources to ensure their interchange with data from other sources. (E.g., GRDDL, RDFa)

One aspect of Web 2.0, beyond the exciting new interfaces, is that it pushes intelligence and active agents from the server to the client, more specifically the browser. Development of active client-side application also means that these applications use all kinds of data; data that are on the Web somewhere, or data that is embedded in the page though not necessarily visible on the screen. Examples are microformats type annotation of the page, calendar data on the Web, tagged images or links stored on a web site, etc.

This aspect of Web 2.0, ie, that applications are based on combining various types of data (“mashing up” the data) that are spread all around on the Web coincides with the very essence of the Semantic Web. What the Semantic Web provides is a more consistent model and tools for the definition and the usage of qualified relationships among data on the Web. I.e., both technologies focus on intelligent data sharing. A number of typical Web 2.0 demonstrations and applications emerge that, in the background, use Semantic Web tools combined with AJAX and other, exciting user interface approaches.

In many cases, using RDF-based techniques makes the mashing up process easier, mainly when data collected by one application is reused by another one somewhere down the line. The general nature of RDF makes this “mashup chaining” straightforward, which is not always the case for simpler Web 2.0 applications.

In general Semantic Web could bring to Web 2.0 applications:

  • Reusing data from the web - which basically means that web 2.0 applications can get (collect) data from diffrent web sources.
  • Dynamic data source - by using standard data representation technlogies like RDF, XML, or OWL a web 2.0 application can benefit of having a dynamic feeds from other applications.
  • Personalization of Web sites - This allows users to use information about the reader encoded in open Web standards, which describes an infrastructure that uses an extension of the HTTP GET command in order to send a reference to the reader’s file.
  • Giving back to the web - any information provided by a user to a web 2.0 application can be an input to another web 2.0 application. For this Semantic web helps in such a way that by categorizing and annotating the informtaion so that it will be easy to be searched by web 2.0 applications.

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