Wednesday, October 10, 2007

IT C515 CSCW - Readings for Week 5

Information Needs in Collocated Software Development Teams By Ko

What information needs exist and how severe are they?

In an area with a lot of developers working in one application software the need for information is very high. For instance in a scenario like, five developers works on one application and submitted their application to testers so that they can work on fixing bugs. Based on the bug report from the testers the developers’ will starts working on fixing the bugs. In this case if those developers did not communicate face-to-face, via e-mail, or through IM there will be no way to know who is working on what. And sometimes in addition to the tasters report users might personally go to the developer and tell him/her the problem he/she got on the system. And if the developer fixes that problem without notifying the other developers, he/she might encounter losing of data. Therefore, in this kind of situation a lot of problems can happen. Such as, two developers working on the same thing and one might lose a data because of that, and also it will be very hard to control versions or repletion of work might occur. In addition to that there will be a waste of time.

Furthermore this will lead to a bad developing scheme. Therefore, information is very much needed in a way to avoid any version control problems, fulfilling developing time deadlines, and customer satisfaction. I can say the need of information especially in the collaborative work is a very sever thing.

Coordination in Software Development by Kraut and Streeter

Basically when we say coordination it means people work in a together to achieve a common goal. So when doing this there might be obstacles related to coordinating all the resources. Some of the obstacles are listed bellow


Software Developments are mostly large, which will be difficult to be handled with one person. There will be a lot of challenges in software system integration for big software development companies because the applications size might be very big and it also might take a lot of time to finish. Effort of this scale always leads to different section of independence across geographic, organizational, and social boundaries. Even though these sections increase efficiency in a large group, it also creates new coordination task. Having different section to a project limits people’s breadth of experience, leading to errors, narrowness and insufficient opportunities, and also can reduce the motivation to interact with others and to accept new ideas.


Well basically uncertainty in software development happens most of the times. Since when developers starts working on a certain project they cannot actually say they have every documents on had before starting the project. The requirement for the project can be added or canceled anytime and this increases the uncertainty of a given project.


Basically when we see the nature of a given software development it has high interdependence with its previous application or its future application. Therefore if there is no good interdependence between the hierarchies of sub-projects, it will lead the overall output of the project to failure.

Informal communication

Informal communication within a software company might increase help to get to the desired goal. This is because informal communication is easy to remember and summarize it for future use by using some kind of artifacts. Unfortunately, for the large software development projects informal communication is almost impossible to achieve because of the large size of these projects, the inefficiencies of pair wise face to face communication may prevent the use of informal communication.

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